25 August 2007

21 days.

Wow. It's been three weeks since I last posted, and it's been four weeks since I last posted regularly. You can say it: I've been a slacker. But I do have to say that in those four weeks I've taken less than 20% my normal number of photos. It's been a little busy here in the Smith home.
I did enter six photos in a contest. Shannon's employer (Ministry Health Care, a regional hospital system) publishes a calendar each year. Any employee is allowed to submit photos for the calendar, and this year the theme was "Color." I submitted these:

Bumblebee Moth

Searching for Sunlight


Family Photo

Up Close and Personal


I picked them out in 20 minutes on the day that they were due. That afternoon I remembered that the theme was color. Oops. That goose family? Not very colorful. Neither is the Bumblebee Moth.
They did like "Fireworks" enough to make it the November photo. :) I'm happy.


Janelle said...

Congrats on the contest photo!!! That is a pretty amazing picture! I really like the tiger lilly one. That one has color, how come they didn't choose that one? I also like the orange daisy. Actually I like them all, but those are my favorites! Glad to have you back, we've missed your gorgeous pictures and can't wait for more!

Leann said...

you take the best pictures they are awesome.keep up the good work.and thanks so much for sharing them.

about expressions

I enjoy photography; the beauty, the art, the expression, the memories. It helps me relax and reflect on what's important.

All of the images shown are unedited (except where noted) and are available upon request (joshualsmith at mac dot com for information).

about me

about me
Joshua, Shannon & Cynthia