24 July 2007


along 32nd Ave., north of Wausau, WI
taken with a Nikon D50 on July 22, 2007 by jls
See more at fourpointedstar.smugmug.com

1 comment:

Janelle said...

That is so gorgeous! You know, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm starting to run out of adjectives to describe your wonderful pictures! Your talent truly is flourishing! I can't wait to see your pictures of Cynthia!

about expressions

I enjoy photography; the beauty, the art, the expression, the memories. It helps me relax and reflect on what's important.

All of the images shown are unedited (except where noted) and are available upon request (joshualsmith at mac dot com for information).

about me

about me
Joshua, Shannon & Cynthia